
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Claire Khaw applies to be Director of Communications at British Future

I have absolutely no relevant experience apart from

  1. being known for my excellent communication skills
  2. being legally-trained
  3. being once called "a Propagandist" by a BNP friend, who did not mean it as a compliment
  4. being repeatedly called a self-publicist
  5. getting myself mentioned in The Guardian as many as three times in January 2013
  6. coining the term SSM to distinguish never-married mothers with illegitimate children from widowed and divorced single mothers
  7. being mentioned in which was a story that was reported both nationally and internationally
  8. once being a member of the BNP and knowing the immigration debate inside out
  9. being mentioned at for my political activism.

While I am aware that your Director was once General Secretary of the Socialist Fabian Society, I believe that there may be common ground if you are indeed

"a new independent, non-partisan thinktank seeking to involve people in an open conversation, which addresses people’s hopes and fears about identity and integration, migration and opportunity, so that we feel confident about Britain’s Future."

The advantages of hiring me are as follows:

  1. It would be controversial in view of my "Far Right" associations, but that would raise the profile of your organisation and generate precisely the kind of publicity that would get your organisation and its work talked about.
  2. Having attracted the attention of the political establishment and the parties that oppose the political establishment as well as the media, I can then proceed to propagate the Civic Nationalist message.

The Civic Nationalist Message

  1. It is intended to appeal to most reasonable people of all classes and races who see the need co-operate with others and make sacrifices for others.
  2. It is to define nationalism as "promoting the long term national interest", rather than "the removal of non-white citizens British citizens from Britain".
  3. The long term national interest is achieved through "the judicious balancing of the conflicting interests of different groups who belong to that nation for the long term good of that nation".
  4. People will be invited to think of the long term in terms of children and grandchildren yet to be born.
  5. The government will be deemed to have a duty of promoting the long term national interest (rather than narrow party interest which prevents them from thinking more than five years ahead in any one term of office).
  6. In practice, promoting the long-term national interest is refraining from doing anything that our adult children and adult grandchildren yet to be born could argue was irresponsible, insane or immoral.   
  7. To make this idea appeal to the Conservative Party, it is proposed that the long term national interest is regarded as something that can be conserved by good government, or frittered away by irresponsible government.
  8. It should be pointed out that there is nothing in the Civic Nationalist message that is against clause iv of the Labour Party: "The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few, where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe, and where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect."

If you find my definition of Civic Nationalism appealing and attractive, then no doubt you will be in touch to discuss how this idea can become part of British Future.

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